Just pathetic.
First set of news is from Cors Marijs, thanks for keeping me inspired enough to keep posting these.
Turnkey Hong Kong's for underdeveloped countries
Better not publish your phd findings
Krugman on climate change policy
Swedish design: 24 analog clocks telling the time
Thanks for an awesome link electronic @ domainstate.
Here is a pathetic exchange from someone (@gmail.com) trying to buy GamingHacks.com from me with narration. His emails are blockquoted, my responses are regular, translations in [].
Hey there,
Curious how much/if you'd be willing to sell GamingHacks.com.
How would you want for the name?
[Translation: Gimme gimme gimme]
It's a prank video and it's hysterical but it illuminates some good points about competition and differentiating yourself. Enjoy :)
"Protect your online assets the same way you safeguard your physical assets.
Your will (or estate or trust) protects your car, your house, your retirement account, and all your other assets for you. It ensures these valuables make their way to your spouse, siblings, children, or other loved ones. But what happens to all the assets you've created on the Internet, from your email address(es) to your PayPal account to your Facebook profile?
So I am sitting at Ideon Innovation talking to Ernst about programming languages... skynet and other associated topics and read this article:
Then this happens:
Me: Ernst, do you know what language MIT just switched to?
Ernst: Indian? .....Spanish?
...Context :) It's important.